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#164)"I'm going to the John?"
#102)"Dirt cheap"
#101)"Jet black"
#139)"Grab life by the horns"
#138)"No one can do it better"
#9)"You eat like a pig"
#10)"That was the best hands down"
#86)"Who cut the cheese"
#81)"They're all washed up"
"67)"You are slower than molasses running up hill"
#66)"i, before e, except after c?"
#202)"Three times a charm"
#203)"Threes a crowd"
#104)"I'm losing my train of thought"
#103)"I'm a little off track"
#145)"His bark is worse than his bite"
#146)"Diamonds are forever"
#114)"My nose is running"
#149)"Shoot the breeze"
#23)"That's Hot"
#40)"That blows!"
#42)"That sucks!"
#175)"Your a spitting image of your Father"
#174)"Your the laughing stock of the neighborhood"
#16) "In all reality"
#272)" What Doesn't kill You Makes You Stronger"
#271)"Okie Dokie"
#270)"They're Throwing Their Life Away"
#269)"Crazy Like A Fox"
#268)"Your Dead Meat"
#267)"Drink Up"
#267)"Drink Up"
I always thought it should be Drink Down.
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Worthless Sayings
#1)"doing it all wrong."
#10)"That was the best
#100)"I don't mean to interrupt"
#101)"Jet black"
#102)"Dirt cheap"
#103)"I'm a little off track."
#104)"I'm losing my train of thought?"
#105) "What it is?"
#106)"Oopsy daisy"
#107)"You have a awfully Dirty Mind"
#108)"Thirty some odd years."
#109)"Speak of the devil"
#11)"Heads Up"
#110)"That is so kickass"
#111)"Mind your Ps and Qs"
#112)"Another day another dollar"
#113)"A Day late and a buck short"
#114)"My nose is running"
#115)"Penny for your thoughts"
#116)"When in Rome"
#117)"caught wind"
#118)"Nick of time"
#119)"Head over Heels"
#12)"Right on the money"
#120)"woke up on the wrong side of the bed"
#121)"I have eyes on the back of my head"
#123)"All the time in the world"
#124)"When pigs fly"
#125)"That's the bomb"
#126)"Wet your whistle"
#127) "Flippin the bird"
#129)"Just pulling your leg"
#13)"He's got a chip on his (or her) shoulder."
#130)"brake a leg"
#131)"You passed with flying colors"
#132)"Hot diggity Dog"
#133)"half naked"
#134)"The early bird gets the worm"
#135)"The whole kit and caboodle"
#136) "I'm all ears"
#137)"You were out of line"
#138)"No one can do it better"
#139)"Grab life by the horns"
#14)"The way I feel on the inside."
#140)"Had to drag it out of him" (or her)
#141)"There's a part of me that thinks"
#142)"happen to stumble upon"
#143)"It didn't cost me one red cent"
#144)"Kicked the bucket"
#145)"His bark is worse than his bite"
#146)"Diamonds are forever..."
#147) "That's life for ya?"
#148)"I changed my mind"
#149)"shoot the breeze"
#15)"To tell you the truth."
#150)"I wouldn't be able to live with myself"
#151)"I'll knock your block off"
#152)"Don't give me no lip"
#153)"Could you walk me through that last part?"
#154)"Bling bling"
#155)"Just a little bit?"
#156)"What up doah?"
#157)"People trying to pull a fast one on me"
#158)"Pulling the wool over my eyes"
#159)"and umm..."
#16)"In all reality?"
#160)"crying my eyes out"
#170)"I beg to differ"
#171)"spur of the moment"
#172)"clear as day"
#173)"That would be swell"
#174)"Your the laughing stock of the neighborhood"
#175)"Your a spitting image of your father"
#176)"It'll knock your socks off"
#177)"Dead silent"
#178)'I'm dead certain"
#179) "It's a Dandy"
#18)"Your right"
#180)"That hit the spot"
#181)"I'm Going Bananas"
#182) "Grape Ape"
#184)"All in good time?"
#185)"Vice versa?"
#186)That's tight"
#187)"You just opened up a can of worms"
#188)"You just opened up a can of whoop ass"
#189)"She's the bread winner in the relationship"
#19)"Right then"
#190)"Let's put another shrimp on the barbie"
#191)"Sweating bullets"
#192)"Southern Belle"
#193)"No good deed goes unpunished"
#195)"I know
#197)"Just a drop in the bucket" and #196)"Buzz kill"
#198)"Your in la la land"
#199)"The proof is in the pudding"
#2)"You need to do?"
#20)"Right Now"
#200)"Three sheets to the wind"
#201)"holla back?"
#202)"three times a charm"
#203)"Three's a crowd"
#204)"He got peppered"
#205)"It's in the bag?"
#206)"Out on a limb?"
#207)"My nerves are shot"
#208)"Hey cutie pie"
#21)"Right away"
#210)"He stuck out like a sore thumb"
#211)"Way to go Einstein"
#212)"shot myself in the foot"
#214)"Snake eyes"#213)"Hard Headed"
#215)"whistling dixie"
#216)"sand bagger"
#217)"cool as a cucumber"
#218)"cray fish"
#219)"star fish"
#22)"that's cool"
#220)"jelly fish
#221)"I'm getting a little antsy"
#222)"toot your own horn"
#223)"tail gating"
#224)"broken in"
#225)"They fell off the face of the earth"
#226)Snot Rocket
#228)Belly Button
#229)"Hair Trigger"
#23)"That's hot"
#230)"He's got a screw loose"
#231)"Hammer Toe"
#232)"Porcelin God"
#233)"My head is swimming"
#234)"Feeling Sheepish"
#236)"Armed To The Teeth"
#237)"Dog Breath"
#238)"Dragon Breath"
#24)"What are ya nut's?"
#241)"Cling On"
#242)"Money makes the world go round"
#243)"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
#244)"Red Neck"
#245)"Buck Toothed"
#246)"Eye Booger"
#247)"Jungle Juice"
#248)"Left him in the dust"
#249)"Well oiled machine"
#25)"Hold your Horses"
#250)"He is one cool cat"
#251)"Vertically challenged"
#252)"Red in the face"
#255)"Horn dog"
#256)"I can see right through you"
#257)"Douche bag"
#258)"Friday the 13th"
#259)"Something smells fishy"
#26)"It's raining cats and dogs out there"
#260)"Cold shoulder"
#261)"Elbow Grease"
#262)"What A Tangled Web We Weave"
#263)"All Walks Of Life"
#264)"Old Bag"
#27)"Just a minute"
#272 What Doesn't kill You Makes You Stronger
#28)"just a second"
#29)"It's right on the tip of my tongue"
#292)"The Last Thing I Want To Do Is Hurt You"
#293)"Pay My Respects"
#294)"Push The Envelope"
#3)"What I would do?"
#30)"I can't put my finger on it"
#31)"Hmmmm That's a humdinger"
#32)"you guys"
#33)"Son of a gun"
#35)"That's so cute"
#36)"hey Sweetie"
#39)"Golly gee"#38)"peachy keen"#37)"hey honey"
#4)"If I we're you?"
#40)"That blows"
#41)"that stinks"
#42)"That suck's"
#44)"None of your beeswax"
#45)"I'll kill you"
#46)"I hate you"
#47)"I feel as if I'm stuck between a rock and a hard spot"
#48)"I can't stand it"
#49)"I'll never do that"
#5)"I hate to tell ya."
#50)"What did you say?"
#51)"Whats that?"
#53)"What" or #52)"Huh"
#54)"Your full of bologna"
#55)"That's bologna"
#56)"Revenge is a dish best served cold."
#57)"It will blow you away"
#58)"You've got to roll with the punches"
#59)"small talk"
#6)weight of the world
#60)"That sucks"
#61)"Oh really"
#62)"You doing alright?"
#63)"whats going on?"
#64)"How are you doing?"
#65)"Their going to kill me"
#66)"i before e except after c?"
#67)"You are slower than molasses running up hill."
#68)"Just in case?"
#69)"They'll talk your ear off"
#7)Off my chest
#70)"You know.... I need to make some real money"
#72)"I swear"
#73)"I promise"
#74)"All I'm trying to say is...?"
#75)"Ya feelin me?"
#76)"I feel ya."
#77)"Give me a Break"
#78)"Thanks for dropping by"
#79)"What a smart Alec"
#8)bells on
#80)"Deader than a doornail"
#81)"They're all washed up"
#83)"passing gas
#84)"breaking wind"
#85)"Who ever delt it
#86)"Who cut the cheese"
#87)"Look at em
#88)"Another one bites the dust"
#89)"are you kidding me"
#9)"you eat like a pig"
#90)"Oh my gawd"
#91)"I'am getting sick and tired"
#92) "Tattle tale"
#93)"I wasn't going to say anything
#94)"Drinks are on the house"
#95)"I'll tan your hide"
#96)"Thanks a ton"
#97)"I laughed so hard my sides split"
#98)"writers block"
#99)I didn't mean to be eavesdropping but..."
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
bite me
bite your tongue
Bright eyed and bushy tailed
bum rush
can I have a word with you
Crazy Like A Fox
Drink Up
going to the John
Great Scott
Hair Lip
hands down"
head on a platter
Home is where the heart is
I've been kicking myself over that one
Jack of all trades
Jiminy cricket
John Doe
Jumping Jehosaphat
just some off the top of my head
Let bygones br bygones
Let's cut to the chase
Made From Scratch
off the chart
Okie Dokie
Peeping Tom
Rocky Laporte
sharp as a tack
shots are on the house
sick puppy
smelt it?"
That would cost me an arm and a leg
The Holy Grail
The world is your oyster
They're Throwing Their Life Away
Tom boy
up on their high horse"
Way to use your noodle
Went to town
with all due respect
Your Dead Meat
"Bling Bling"
#238)"Dragon Breath"
#77)"Give Me A Break"
#76)"I feel ya"
#133)"Half Naked"
#211)"Way to go Einstein"
#125)"Thats the bomb"
#56)"Revenge is a dish best served cold"
#131)"You passed with flying colors"
#132)"hot diggity dog"
#118)"Nick of time"
#182)"Grape Ape"
#181)"I'm going bananas"
#206)"Out on a limb"
#95)"I'll tan your hide!"
Free Blog Content
#216)"Sand bagger"
#215)"Whistling dixie"
Blow Your Mind At Insane Pics!
#130)"Break a leg"
#129)"Just pulling your leg"
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