#293)"Pay My Respects"

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Worthless Sayings
- "#82)"Poofed"
- #1)"doing it all wrong."
- #10)"That was the best
- #100)"I don't mean to interrupt"
- #101)"Jet black"
- #102)"Dirt cheap"
- #103)"I'm a little off track."
- #104)"I'm losing my train of thought?"
- #105) "What it is?"
- #106)"Oopsy daisy"
- #107)"You have a awfully Dirty Mind"
- #108)"Thirty some odd years."
- #109)"Speak of the devil"
- #11)"Heads Up"
- #110)"That is so kickass"
- #111)"Mind your Ps and Qs"
- #112)"Another day another dollar"
- #113)"A Day late and a buck short"
- #114)"My nose is running"
- #115)"Penny for your thoughts"
- #116)"When in Rome"
- #117)"caught wind"
- #118)"Nick of time"
- #119)"Head over Heels"
- #12)"Right on the money"
- #120)"woke up on the wrong side of the bed"
- #121)"I have eyes on the back of my head"
- #123)"All the time in the world"
- #124)"When pigs fly"
- #125)"That's the bomb"
- #126)"Wet your whistle"
- #127) "Flippin the bird"
- #128)"mooning"
- #129)"Just pulling your leg"
- #13)"He's got a chip on his (or her) shoulder."
- #130)"brake a leg"
- #131)"You passed with flying colors"
- #132)"Hot diggity Dog"
- #133)"half naked"
- #134)"The early bird gets the worm"
- #135)"The whole kit and caboodle"
- #136) "I'm all ears"
- #137)"You were out of line"
- #138)"No one can do it better"
- #139)"Grab life by the horns"
- #14)"The way I feel on the inside."
- #140)"Had to drag it out of him" (or her)
- #141)"There's a part of me that thinks"
- #142)"happen to stumble upon"
- #143)"It didn't cost me one red cent"
- #144)"Kicked the bucket"
- #145)"His bark is worse than his bite"
- #146)"Diamonds are forever..."
- #147) "That's life for ya?"
- #148)"I changed my mind"
- #149)"shoot the breeze"
- #15)"To tell you the truth."
- #150)"I wouldn't be able to live with myself"
- #151)"I'll knock your block off"
- #152)"Don't give me no lip"
- #153)"Could you walk me through that last part?"
- #154)"Bling bling"
- #155)"Just a little bit?"
- #156)"What up doah?"
- #157)"People trying to pull a fast one on me"
- #158)"Pulling the wool over my eyes"
- #159)"and umm..."
- #16)"In all reality?"
- #160)"crying my eyes out"
- #170)"I beg to differ"
- #171)"spur of the moment"
- #172)"clear as day"
- #173)"That would be swell"
- #174)"Your the laughing stock of the neighborhood"
- #175)"Your a spitting image of your father"
- #176)"It'll knock your socks off"
- #177)"Dead silent"
- #178)'I'm dead certain"
- #179) "It's a Dandy"
- #18)"Your right"
- #180)"That hit the spot"
- #181)"I'm Going Bananas"
- #182) "Grape Ape"
- #183)"karma"
- #184)"All in good time?"
- #185)"Vice versa?"
- #186)That's tight"
- #187)"You just opened up a can of worms"
- #188)"You just opened up a can of whoop ass"
- #189)"She's the bread winner in the relationship"
- #19)"Right then"
- #190)"Let's put another shrimp on the barbie"
- #191)"Sweating bullets"
- #192)"Southern Belle"
- #193)"No good deed goes unpunished"
- #194)"Snap"
- #195)"I know
- #197)"Just a drop in the bucket" and #196)"Buzz kill"
- #198)"Your in la la land"
- #199)"The proof is in the pudding"
- #2)"You need to do?"
- #20)"Right Now"
- #200)"Three sheets to the wind"
- #201)"holla back?"
- #202)"three times a charm"
- #203)"Three's a crowd"
- #204)"He got peppered"
- #205)"It's in the bag?"
- #206)"Out on a limb?"
- #207)"My nerves are shot"
- #208)"Hey cutie pie"
- #209)"rigaramo"
- #21)"Right away"
- #210)"He stuck out like a sore thumb"
- #211)"Way to go Einstein"
- #212)"shot myself in the foot"
- #214)"Snake eyes"#213)"Hard Headed"
- #215)"whistling dixie"
- #216)"sand bagger"
- #217)"cool as a cucumber"
- #218)"cray fish"
- #219)"star fish"
- #22)"that's cool"
- #220)"jelly fish
- #221)"I'm getting a little antsy"
- #222)"toot your own horn"
- #223)"tail gating"
- #224)"broken in"
- #225)"They fell off the face of the earth"
- #226)Snot Rocket
- #227)
- #228)Belly Button
- #229)"Hair Trigger"
- #23)"That's hot"
- #230)"He's got a screw loose"
- #231)"Hammer Toe"
- #232)"Porcelin God"
- #233)"My head is swimming"
- #234)"Feeling Sheepish"
- #236)"Armed To The Teeth"
- #237)"Dog Breath"
- #238)"Dragon Breath"
- #239)"Snaggletooth"tooth
- #24)"What are ya nut's?"
- #241)"Cling On"
- #242)"Money makes the world go round"
- #243)"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
- #244)"Red Neck"
- #245)"Buck Toothed"
- #246)"Eye Booger"
- #247)"Jungle Juice"
- #248)"Left him in the dust"
- #249)"Well oiled machine"
- #25)"Hold your Horses"
- #250)"He is one cool cat"
- #251)"Vertically challenged"
- #252)"Red in the face"
- #254)"Butterface"
- #255)"Horn dog"
- #256)"I can see right through you"
- #257)"Douche bag"
- #258)"Friday the 13th"
- #259)"Something smells fishy"
- #26)"It's raining cats and dogs out there"
- #260)"Cold shoulder"
- #261)"Elbow Grease"
- #262)"What A Tangled Web We Weave"
- #263)"All Walks Of Life"
- #264)"Old Bag"
- #27)"Just a minute"
- #272 What Doesn't kill You Makes You Stronger
- #28)"just a second"
- #29)"It's right on the tip of my tongue"
- #292)"The Last Thing I Want To Do Is Hurt You"
- #293)"Pay My Respects"
- #294)"Push The Envelope"
- #3)"What I would do?"
- #30)"I can't put my finger on it"
- #31)"Hmmmm That's a humdinger"
- #32)"you guys"
- #33)"Son of a gun"
- #34)"Awwwww"
- #35)"That's so cute"
- #36)"hey Sweetie"
- #39)"Golly gee"#38)"peachy keen"#37)"hey honey"
- #4)"If I we're you?"
- #40)"That blows"
- #41)"that stinks"
- #42)"That suck's"
- #43)"busybee"
- #44)"None of your beeswax"
- #45)"I'll kill you"
- #46)"I hate you"
- #47)"I feel as if I'm stuck between a rock and a hard spot"
- #48)"I can't stand it"
- #49)"I'll never do that"
- #5)"I hate to tell ya."
- #50)"What did you say?"
- #51)"Whats that?"
- #53)"What" or #52)"Huh"
- #54)"Your full of bologna"
- #55)"That's bologna"
- #56)"Revenge is a dish best served cold."
- #57)"It will blow you away"
- #58)"You've got to roll with the punches"
- #59)"small talk"
- #6)weight of the world
- #60)"That sucks"
- #61)"Oh really"
- #62)"You doing alright?"
- #63)"whats going on?"
- #64)"How are you doing?"
- #65)"Their going to kill me"
- #66)"i before e except after c?"
- #67)"You are slower than molasses running up hill."
- #68)"Just in case?"
- #69)"They'll talk your ear off"
- #7)Off my chest
- #70)"You know.... I need to make some real money"
- #72)"I swear"
- #73)"I promise"
- #74)"All I'm trying to say is...?"
- #75)"Ya feelin me?"
- #76)"I feel ya."
- #77)"Give me a Break"
- #78)"Thanks for dropping by"
- #79)"What a smart Alec"
- #8)bells on
- #80)"Deader than a doornail"
- #81)"They're all washed up"
- #83)"passing gas
- #84)"breaking wind"
- #85)"Who ever delt it
- #86)"Who cut the cheese"
- #87)"Look at em
- #88)"Another one bites the dust"
- #89)"are you kidding me"
- #9)"you eat like a pig"
- #90)"Oh my gawd"
- #91)"I'am getting sick and tired"
- #92) "Tattle tale"
- #93)"I wasn't going to say anything
- #94)"Drinks are on the house"
- #95)"I'll tan your hide"
- #96)"Thanks a ton"
- #97)"I laughed so hard my sides split"
- #98)"writers block"
- #99)I didn't mean to be eavesdropping but..."
- A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
- bite me
- bite your tongue
- Bright eyed and bushy tailed
- bum rush
- But..."
- can I have a word with you
- comedian
- Crazy Like A Fox
- dentist
- Drink Up
- going to the John
- Great Scott
- Hair Lip
- hands down"
- head on a platter
- hilarious
- Home is where the heart is
- I've been kicking myself over that one
- Jack of all trades
- Jiminy cricket
- John Doe
- Jumping Jehosaphat
- just some off the top of my head
- late
- Let bygones br bygones
- Let's cut to the chase
- Made From Scratch
- NICKnames
- off the chart
- Okie Dokie
- Peeping Tom
- right"
- Rocky Laporte
- sayings
- sharp as a tack
- shots are on the house
- sick puppy
- smelt it?"
- south
- That would cost me an arm and a leg
- The Holy Grail
- The world is your oyster
- They're Throwing Their Life Away
- Tom boy
- up on their high horse"
- Way to use your noodle
- Went to town
- with all due respect
- Your Dead Meat